5 Flatiron Scramble Classics

Looming above Boulder, Colorado lies one of the best alpine training grounds the intermountain west has to offer. Seeing as the secret’s already out, and some of the best climbers in the country call Boulder home, I figured I’d throw in my 2 cents. Here goes my top 5 favorite Flatiron scrambles I've done so far. They are as follows: Second Flatiron via/Dodge Block (5.0 II) Second Flatiron via/Freeway (4th II) The Regency via/El Camino Royale (5.2 II) The Amoeboid via/Buckets (5.0) Der Zerkle via/Sunnyside Two (4th)-West Face (5.0) Honorable Mentions: Nebel Horn Via (5.0 II), Anomaly via/E Face (5.0), and Royal Arch via/E Face (5.0 II) 1. Dodge Block (5.0 II) Second Flatiron This one took the cake as my favorite scramble so far for three key reasons. First is the length. Nothing beats going the full stretch of one of the significant Flatiron formations. For being able to get this route done in less than a couple hours it really makes you feel like you’re climbing something much...