Select Peaks of Summit County

The following are some of my collected thoughts so far while taking part in the Summit 62 Project, where all 62 of the highest points of Summit County, Colorado are reached. “In the summer, I spend a majority of my time running and climbing mountains. In the winters, it’s about the same, just subtract running for skiing. In short, when one is able to take a truly objective look about where I spend a large majority of my time outside of work, it’s doing something in the alpine. I could get technical, talk about how much of that time is truly spent in the alpine, as myself and my partner, Sarah, consider ourselves part-time locals of the desert as well, but in all reality for true honesty’s sake, let’s say I spend nearly as much time as humanly possible out in the middle of some wilderness, whether it be arid or high. Why? Because I can. In the most self-serving and selfish way that I can convey it, because I can. Because I have the freedom to be able to live my life that way. Why? (bu...