Cows and Sand: South Face (5.7 II) of South Sixshooter Tower

I looked around. Off in the distance the tower was behind us now, and we had definitely gone too far. The group of curious calves watched me from the bushes in the distance, their mothers giving frequent bants to remind them not to get too close. They’d probably never seen a hairless bipedal monkey on a bike before. Months before, the previous spring, Sarah and I had planned to check one of the easier tower’s in Utah’s southeast expanse of desert off our list- Sixshooter Tower, one of the trademark fingers of rock that rose out of the outer skyline of Indian Creek. There was only one issue. The road was rough, and our vehicle of choice at the time wasn’t the right choice to get over all that mess at the beginning of the Lavender Canyon road. That, and I may have forgotten a rope at our campsite in Moab, but we won’t further expand on that part of the story. As a result of our miscalculations, a plan for an even better day out on the tower was beginning to materialize. Living ...