Colorado Classic Crags: Rifle Mountain Park

The most interesting thing to me about Rifle Mountain Park is the fact that at first, I kind of hated it. It may sound like cardinal sin to the climbing community, but I did not take to Rifle immediately as I had to many of the other “classic” crags and locations throughout the west that many consider to be the “best” climbing areas. Yet, one day, without warning, I realized that I fucking loved the place. It was a home for me all of a sudden, with movement and holds that no longer felt foreign. In a nutshell, I feel like that’s how Rifle molds onto many people who haven’t spent a lot of time on limestone, especially the highly-trafficked variety that many a person would find in Rifle Canyon, even more so when trying to get onto any of the many ultra-classics throughout the park. Once a place only frequented by locals going for a hike, snowmobilers, and the random ice climber, Rifle Canyon developed into one of the most prolific high-end sport climbing ...