Because it's There.

“Because it’s there.” -George Mallory (when asked, "why climb Everest?") Have you ever had someone tell you that you “weren’t good enough,” or that you “can’t do that?” If so, I’m glad for you. I genuinely am glad that someone took the time out of their day and yours to supply you with some of the best advice that you have ever received. They have just given you fuel to your “rocket” that in my mind, is worth more than gold. Of course, the advice that you take is different from the advice that they intended. This past summer, I had just finished a dusty, long, and hot trail run along the red-dirt trails that dart over and around the small mesas outside of Lyons, Colorado. The area is known for it’s mountain biking, but I had taken the time to drive down from Estes Park, where I lived, to get some lower-altitude vert on my legs. It was towards the middle of the summer, and I wanted to get a little stronger for the long approaches of the alpine climbing season th...