A Stairclimber from Hell: Donner Ridge to Mt. Ypsilon

My boot slipped twice and I looked down from the ledge I was currently edging across. It was midmorning, cold, and I could barely hear what Matt was saying slightly above me through the wind, my helmet, and all the layers I was wearing. We were teetering across the knife’s edge of the route now, along a violent ridge that led up to the summit of Mt. Ypsilon. It felt like we had been on a stairclimber of rocks forever. The day began like most of the alpine missions that Matt and I had knocked out through the end of the summer season: wake up early, choke down as much food/water as you could at that hour in the morning, and be on our “merry” way down the trail. Today, although, was a little different. Following the successful climbs of the summer/fall season, Matt and I were becoming increasingly confident in our abilities out in the backcountry. This isn’t to imply that we were becoming cocky or anything in the least (certainly not- *sarcastic laugh*), but we at least had a rough id...